We hope to see you at our booth

because, just like a good meal, HOST is not complete without a good cup of espresso.
You can come visit us whenever you like, but we recommend booking one or more of our daily sessions!

Read the schedule

I want to participate!


How to Flat White.

Get to know the origin of Flat White and practice creating your own latte art.

Espresso Basic: get the best out of your coffee blend.

Discover and practice the proper techniques to extract a coffee blend in the best way possible, just like an expert barista.

Discover the main ingredient: water.

Learn about the composition of water and participate in a cupping session of single-origin coffee, brewed with different types of water.

Filter coffee: methods and tasting.

Find out about the alternative ways you can brew coffee besides espresso and taste single-origin filter coffee brewed according to different methods.

BIEPI Signature Drink.

Join us in a Milan-style aperitivo with espresso-based cocktails!

We will be here:
Stand 18
Hall F68 - G67